Finding Structure in The New “Normal”

First off I want to lay some ground rules for this post:

  • This “structure” should be no different than any other day of the year.
  • This is not supposed to be “rules” or things you “have” to follow.
  • This is meant to give you a general idea that you NEED to be consistently fed during a crisis.
  • If you don’t have access to fresh, nutrient-dense foods that is OKAY. That does not make you less than.

If you are a very regimented person the coronavirus quarantine may be your worst nightmare. If you are an introverted person who loves to be alone at home then this may be your ideal situation. But I think it’s important to note that no matter what day of the year it is… holiday, weekday, weekend, quarantined, vacation day, and any other day that you can think of you still need to eat food consistently. Let me repeat that, YOU STILL NEED TO EAT FOOD CONSISTENTLY.

The image you see above is not a strict regimen that you need to follow, but a simple reminder that you need to consistently fuel your body, all day long and every 3 to 4 hours in order to keep your blood sugar stable and to feel adequately fed. Your brain alone runs off of 330 calories per day, so regardless of if you’re going into an office or not you’re still going to need to use your brain. If you notice that you aren’t as hungry due to your shift in schedule and maybe not as much movement, that is perfectly fine. Take note of how you’re feeling and become curious about why things are the way they are instead of passing judgment against yourself.

If you find yourself trying to restrict food because you’re not moving as much throughout the day, and then feel out of control at night. This is a normal reaction. We know through research, that restriction is the number one indicator of binging. So if we try to stop eating a certain food group or limit the amount of food that we eat throughout the day, it is only a normal compensatory response for your body to want to consume everything in sight at night time. If you’re able to rule out that there’s no physical hunger going on, but you are still eating everything in sight. Click here for our FREE Find Food Freedom Beginners Training diving all into “what is Intuitive Eating and how to get started”!

In summary, the three most important points that you can pull from this blog are:

  1. Eat something every 3 to 4 hours.
  2. Drink a minimum of 75 oz of water per day.
  3. Partake in movement that feels good for your body – CLICK HERE to read our blog post, ‘How to Enjoy Movement Because you Can.’

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About Us

Find Food Freedom is a dynamic team of registered dietitians who say “no” to diet culture. We reside in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL but we work virtually and connect with amazing humans from all over the world (literally). We work 1:1 with people who want to stop dieting, make peace with food, and find a sustainable way to care for their body and improve their health.

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