Will I Overeat Forever?

A question we are asked a lot is – if I start intuitively eating, won’t I just overeat… forever? And that is a valid thought.

But here’s the thing: thoughts like this come from a place of deprivation.

If we deprived ourselves of certain foods or amounts of food in the past, we then place a sense of urgency around those things. If we then allow ourselves these foods, we have created a sort of “last supper” effect and eat as much as we can, as fast as we can.

It’s a normal response in this moment to eat more than what we are maybe biologically hungry for. There’s actually a shift that happens in our brains. 

Let’s say we do a study and have a group of people we tell “Do NOT think of polar bears! Do NOT think of polar bears!” And the control group we tell nothing. The control group never thought about polar bears. But the group we told not to… what will they naturally do? Think about them all. the. time.

Sound familiar? I can recall many times when I “called off carbs” and then they were ALL I COULD THINK ABOUT!

That’s what we do when we restrictively diet and deprive ourselves. Carbohydrates, for example, are usually the first to get cut out in diet culture. Biologically, our brain loves carbs, our liver loves carbs. We need them in order to achieve homeostasis in our bodies. We will  naturally have intense cravings for carbs because we need them!

So when you eat, and maybe eat a lot, it’s not a measure of willpower. You’ve just been in a deprived state, and have been made to believe you have no control. It becomes an “all or nothing” experience. 

That’s why it’s so important to walk through each stage of intuitive eating. Allow ourselves the unconditional permission to eat. That may mean permission to eat that formerly restricted food. You don’t have to do it all at once, but maybe one at a time. Allowing yourself to release all restrictions.

And it may be hard to trust yourself. I’ve been there. And you can even ask yourself, will I really want X amount of that food? Or will 1 or 2 actually satisfy me?

And maybe you can even plan it out. Plan when and where you will try that food, buy that box of donuts for example and keep checking in with yourself as you eat it. 

Experience it. What does it taste like? Do I feel good? Etc. and it may take a few times.

The goal is to reintroduce these foods and really be mindful about the way you are feeling before, after and as you eat it. 

No judgment. Be a neutral observer. 

It may not be easy right away. It may even feel like it takes a long time, we get it. And it can be really confusing, frustrating, and straight up HARD to begin your food freedom journey. It is so important to invest in professionals that have the tools to help you start this journey. Click here and snag a free training and dive into our beginner’s training for all you Intuitive Eating newbies! 

If you enjoyed this blog, I know you will also take great pleasure in my blog titled: How to Set Boundaries

About Us

Find Food Freedom is a dynamic team of registered dietitians who say “no” to diet culture. We reside in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL but we work virtually and connect with amazing humans from all over the world (literally). We work 1:1 with people who want to stop dieting, make peace with food, and find a sustainable way to care for their body and improve their health.

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